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Hear what families and volunteers have to say about their experience at Center for Family Connection.

Parent of 7 year old adopted son

"We were told we needed to learn how to control our son. You taught us how to be a family."

Parent of 8 year old adopted daughter

“It has been amazing to see how much more physically affectionate my child has become in this program. She seems happier. I do see a much different child.” 

Parent of 11 year old child

“Through this program, I was able to recognize that my way of parenting wasn’t working, and to look at my child’s behaviors as connection-seeking rather than attention seeking.”

Parent of 7 year old daughter

"I can't believe this is working! Why didn't  we know this sooner?!"

Dan, Retired Engineer, Volunteer

"I’m a believer in TBRI and what Center for Family Connection is doing for kids and families. To see the steady positive changes in my “buddy”, week after week, is a real encouragement.  While it may look like “hanging out", the lessons and new ways of thinking these youngsters are internalizing is a joy to be part of." 

Lindsey, OT, Volunteer

“My time as a volunteer with Center for Family Connection has been extremely rewarding and fulfilling. Getting to work with the kids that come through brings so much joy to me and I am extremely grateful for my experiences as a volunteer. Additionally, getting to work along side all the amazing volunteers and clinical staff has taught me so many things that I am able to bring back to my occupational therapy practice.”

Let's Work Together

Contact us at for more information or to set up an introduction appointment. 

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